What You Should Be Able To Do is a powerful self-test process to determine your proficiency in being able to do specific components of what an (operational) risk manager is expected to do. And to provide you with feedback on areas where you need further coaching.
To get the most value from the What You Should Be Able To Do exercise work in groups. One person goes first and does the work necessary to perform one of the expectations and then explains it to the group. Afterward, they gather feedback on clarity and understandability from the rest of the group. This is repeated with different group members until all the expectations are completed.
The best way to determine if you mastered something is to explain it to some else (the Feynman Technique https://fs.blog/feynman-technique/ )
Once you have identified Where you need further coaching, submit the question as comments below (and vote for other questions you find relevant!)
Ask your question
I can do all these with ease
I can do most with ease
I am having difficulty with most
I haven't tried