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Operational Risk Management That Works

Learning to do what an operational risk manager does


Lesson 1 

The Op Risk Mgnt Framework

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Learn what operational risk management does,


Create the Operational Risk Management Framework ORMF, using the Agile Problem Solving, MCEC


 Case Study 1:  TD and RBC Trading Chat Room Fines


Lesson 3 



Learn to enhance the operational risk exposure profile by using external data, and scenario analysis. 


Lesson 5 

Risk and Control Self Assesmenet


Learn how to effectively perform a Risk and Control Self Assessment and use it to control risks before a new product is launched


Lesson 7 

Resileince: Financial


Learn how to measure operational risk and use the measurement to ensure adequate financial resilience 



Lesson 9

Application Model and Third Party Risks


Learn, through case studies, how to effectively manage Model risk and Third party risk management 

Lesson 2 

Op Risk Sound Practices


Do a gap analysis against the regulatory requirements for a Sound Practice of Operational Risk Management.


What is Operational Risk


Create an Operational Risk Exposure Profile

Lesson 4 



Learn how to changes in the Business Environment changes the Op Risk Exposure Profile and


How to change the profile using Controls

Lesson 6 

Resilience: Operational


Learn how to create operational resilience to rapidly recover from an operational risk event, including developing the right continuity of business program

Lesson 8 

Application: Techology and Cyber Risk


Learn,  through a case study, how to apply the Operational Risk Management Framework to manage Technology and Cyber risk, including meeting regulatory expectations 


Lesson 10

Application: Cliamte & Digital Assets Risks


Learn, through case studies how to manage, Climate and Digital Asset, including Crypto Assets, Risk 

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